Austin Real Estate Guru
Demystifying real estate with a cutting edge market commentary on housing trends in the Booming Greater Austin market. As Navigators of town for over 3 decades, we unravel the mystery behind the purchase and sale process. It is our hope to serve as a leading light and offer swift real estate insights to lead you to a happy dwelling place that benefits you for years to come.
Podcasting since 2021 • 23 episodes
Austin Real Estate Guru
Latest Episodes
10 Buyer Archetypes
What are the 10 buyer archetypes (Beginning with the letter M) currently existing what is the level of confidence in relation to the housing market?

This is a discussion about mortgage rates and their Volatility - and it’s basic effects on the current housing market. Everybody’s talking about Rates today as they cool or /fuel the market. Let me say this is going to be a good year! It ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Thrive vs Survive
Waiting well - - ARE YOU A PATIENT WAITER? HOW can you Gain vs Lose from The power of watching and waiting versus reacting.

10 tips to Take you to Success in Timing your sale in ANY real estate market
Here’s a Quick recapI’m not focusing any numbers or stats in this podcast you hear enough of them from a variety of news and social sources. Let’s understand that a supply driven market, with adverse reactions from inf...
Season 2
Episode 1