Austin Real Estate Guru
Demystifying real estate with a cutting edge market commentary on housing trends in the Booming Greater Austin market. As Navigators of town for over 3 decades, we unravel the mystery behind the purchase and sale process. It is our hope to serve as a leading light and offer swift real estate insights to lead you to a happy dwelling place that benefits you for years to come.
23 episodes
10 Buyer Archetypes
What are the 10 buyer archetypes (Beginning with the letter M) currently existing what is the level of confidence in relation to the housing market?

This is a discussion about mortgage rates and their Volatility - and it’s basic effects on the current housing market. Everybody’s talking about Rates today as they cool or /fuel the market. Let me say this is going to be a good year! It ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Thrive vs Survive
Waiting well - - ARE YOU A PATIENT WAITER? HOW can you Gain vs Lose from The power of watching and waiting versus reacting.

10 tips to Take you to Success in Timing your sale in ANY real estate market
Here’s a Quick recapI’m not focusing any numbers or stats in this podcast you hear enough of them from a variety of news and social sources. Let’s understand that a supply driven market, with adverse reactions from inf...
Season 2
Episode 1

Is the REAL ESTATE MARKET a TSUNAMI? 10 things Sellers can do to WIN
Is the REAL ESTATE MARKET a TSUNAMI? We are in a market now where there are more People who NEED to buy or sell than those who WANT to buy or sell. Learn the 10 things Sellers can do to WIN !

Golden Opportunities during short term chaos
Lets focus on the facts vs bubbles and crashes. Inventory is rising but housing is becoming more affordable and if you’re smart you can find opportunities where others experience chaos.

The Rise and Fall of Interest Rates - Savvy Buyer Series Part 3
We are starting to see a little shift in the housing marketAs The old saying goes...When Rates Rise they take the elevator.. and When they come down they take the steps!

Unpacking the mystery of finding a home in a tight market - Savvy Buyer Series Part 2
When the market looks sleepy (or paranoid) this is when you should be out pounding the pavement. Here are 6 quick methods of finding good inventory including off market
Season 2
Episode 2

Five Quick and Effective ways to be the Winning Bidder in today’s market - Savvy Buyer Series Part 1
Beginning of a 5 part series for Buyers. We'll discuss how to be a savvy buyer when the odds or number of participant bidders might be stacked against you !
Season 2
Episode 1

10 SIMPLE WAYS to go from ordinary to extradordinary
10 SIMPLE WAYS TO change a house from ordinary to extradordinary. When comparing homes on the market, What makes a house extraordinary? I’ll name a few FRONT EXTERIOR OR FRONT ELEVATI...

Is there a Housing Bubble?
A solid look at fundamentals today compared to the Great Recession of 2008, 2009, and 2010 under the counsel of brilliant economists and the Economic Forecasts of Fannie Mae a leading source of mortgage financing in the United States.
Season 1
Episode 13

Market Slowdown NOT Go Down
DECELERATED APPRECIATION IS NOT DEPRECIATION. MOST PEOPLE WILL MISUNDERSTAND THIS and think prices are going down. WRONG. Listen to this Austin Housing update for October.
Season 1
Episode 12

Top 10 characteristics Characteristics of Todays Homebuyers
Top 10 characteristics Characteristics of Todays Homebuyers Today I will bring you up to speed on real estate trendsThe 2020 consumer profile of home buyers and sellers is an annual survey produced by NAR = a trade ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Secrets to Pricing - What’s the Right Selling Price?
IN our last episode WE TALKED ABOUT PRICE PER SQFT. I consider this a rudimentary approach to snagging the best price for your most valuable investment.Here’s a better way…I call it the
Season 1
Episode 5

Pricing a Unique Home- Based upon a TRUE STORY
Let me tell you a story about pricing a unique home in AustinIn November 2020 I listed a rare property in a neighborhood (off of Bee Caves Road & Cuernavaca Drive near Austin Lake Estates. This small affo...
Season 1
Episode 4

Secrets to Pricing your home - What is the Most I can get for my house?
Earlier, WE EXPLORED A COMMON QUESTION: Is 2021 the right time to sell? A constrained housing supply, historically low rates @ 3% or less; and housing prices boasting new highs in and around the Austin area ~ we can assume THERE...
Season 1
Episode 3